Real Men Love Pink – A Collection of Quotes by A. W. Pink

April 14, 2013, 7:10 PM
Filed under: Antinomianism, False Teachers

“Some of the propagators of the salvation-without-works error during the last century have assumed the garb of the orthodox and thereby obtained a hearing from many who had never listened to them had their real characters been suspected. They have gone to the opposite extreme and preached a “gospel” as far removed from the Truth as the Romish lie of salvation by works. They teach that while good works from Christians are certainly desirable yet they are not imperative, the absence of them involving merely the loss of certain “millennial” honors and not the missing of heaven itself. They have interpreted those words of Christ’s “It is finished” in such a way as to lull multitudes of souls into a false peace, as though He wrought something at the Cross which renders it needless for sinners to repent, forsake their idols, renounce the world before they can be saved; that “nothing is required from them but their simple acceptance of Christ by faith;” that once they have “rested on His finished work”—no matter what their subsequent lives—they are “eternally secure.” So widely has this fatal doctrine been received, so thoroughly have these “ravenous wolves” deceived the religious world by their “sheep’s clothing,” that with rare exceptions anyone who now denounces this deadly evil is to call down upon himself the charge of being a “Legalist” or “Judaizer.”” —A. W. Pink (1886–1952)

Taken from “The Sermon on the Mount” by A. W. Pink (1886–1952)

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